Wednesday, January 5 2011
If you check out the Winter 2010 issue of Playgirl Magazine (yes Playgirl is still around, it is still a magazine and it comes out at least once every season, and sometimes more), you’ll find an article by me! on the guide to the greatest male gadgets for sexy times. I wrote the piece in August, after finding inspiration at a sex toy expo. I’m really stoked about the rise of toys to do just that in men, give them a rise. Truly, the market for sex toys for guys is growing fast, why, just a few years back, to quote AVN’s publisher and editor-in-chief, Tony Lovett;
“There weren’t many products aimed at straight men. Other than the ludicrous blow-up dolls, ludicrously expensive ‘real-life’ dolls and items like the perennially ludicrous auto-suck. Sure, there were plenty of strokers on the market, but not much thought was put into them.”
So I present you links to gadgetry for guys, toys made with thought, and the kind of tools that work in mysterious, and not so mysterious, ways…
FunFactory’s Cobra Libre. Looks like a racecar, feels like a hummer. At least that’s what guys who can use this toy have told me. I hear it’s hards-down the best, and it takes frenulum massage to the max.
LAID’s P.2 cockring. For the love the of the cock, you won’t find nicer materials to ring around his rosy.
Fleshlight’s Sex in a Can. Designed for both the straight and gay market (with fruity cans for one and frothy beers for the other), there’s also a can for those who like fangs.
The CB-6000 cock (b)lock and Aneros’s newest Vice. Read all about them, and you’ll know why they’re rock (without a hard cock).
There’s also the prostate cradle* for men who like prostate stimulation without the (what can be perceived to be invasive) butt prodding.
There’s lots more and I’ll be happy to report in from the Adult Entertainment Expo this week in Vegas. Til then, enjoy….
*We’ll be raffling off a Prostate Cradle at the next Sexy Tales and Other Intimate Acts event on 1.11.11 at El Cid (6:30PM!)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 01/5/2021 - 4:33am
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