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Monday, May 3 2010

so last week .28

This week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed, melds fashion with fornication. From burqa’s to skinny jeans, how what you wear can change your sex life forever.

  • A woman’s right to cover her face? How far can France go on outlawing burqa’s and naqid’s? Perhaps it’s just a case of updated eye sockets? (CarnalNation)
  • Hello Dummy! Who say’s you can’t be raped in skinny jeans? Apparently, some dumb jury out of Australia. (DailyMail)
  • Ridiculous books not meant to be sexy, but somehow they have become unintentional sex books. (Huffington Post)
  • There’s still wood in holly. Hugh Hefner helps save the Hollywood Sign. (SeattlePI)
  • Piracy and porn, the issue, not the movie. (Wired)
  • Jenna Jameson and Tito Ortiz: Baby want back. (CNN)
  • The Better Marriage Blanket - farts be warned! (Youtube)
  • Communication Breakdown: When people think pets listen better than partners, is it really something to brag about? (LATimes)

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