Dating Downer
I’ve been recently single for over a year now, a time in a not-so-young anymore-but-still-young-to-those-older-than-she-is, woman’s life when being single is not as fun as being double. It’s nice to have a partner to bike, hula hoop, dance, hike, read, write, watch movies, cook dinner and snuggle with- as well as suck, rub and fuck (of course)!
I’ve started dating again. More seriously, as in I’m ready to devote a smallish amount of time to the task of love in LA. I want to have hope, I’ve seen others find love in this botoxified city, but I’ve always done better in New York. It’s just the way it is. So I date slowly, in small chunks that are more Reeses Pieces than Peanut Butter Cup.
On Sunday I went on my first date since well before the end of summer. He was cute. motivated and only slightly trying to be on the small screen. In other words, he wasn’t Hollywood even though he lived in the heart of it. I was doubtful as to where it would go. Besides our various upbringings - his deep South, mine not deep South, he was more of what I imagine my oldest friend from high school, Gregg, alluding to when he refers to someone as “normal.” Conservative in dress, mannerisms and style, my date was the kind of guy you get to know, not necessarily the kind of guy you’re likely to notice.
Me? Well, if you know anything about me, you know I wear glitter, buns and a lot of color. I’m not exactly what the Greggster calls “normal,” although in my world I am totally “normal.” The point is, whether you live in the “normal” world or not, when it comes to the world of dating, if one person specifically does the asking out, you don’t split the bill on the date. The asker-out pays. Unless it’s understood beforehand that for some financial reason, he or she just can’t do it.
That being said, on my first date last week, we split the check. Better yet, the check was $27 and I put in a $20 and didn’t take back change, so I paid for more of the date. I know I could (should? I hate that word) have said something, and I have no excuses. I was just kind of really annoyed. He won’t get a second date.
That’s because…
Not paying the bill is a dating downer. Yep, a big one. So, for the “dudes” out there - I don’t care how feministy we seem or independent we are, if you don’t pay the bill on the first date - and if you asked ME out and you chose the eating establishment, then you need to rethink what’s going on here. It’s just not attractive. You should want to pay, for my company, my energy, my time and the fact that you asked me out. Do you get it? You pay when you ask a person out. It makes a lot of sense really. I’ve dated enough of the type who don’t pay because they’re artists, unemployed or because I ASKED THEM OUT, but when you ask me out, I want you to pay. That’s the kind of guy you are. The kind of guy who knows that the person who asks for the date is the person who pays.
Ask and pay. Say it with me.
Ask and pay.
Ask and pay.
Don’t be a dating downer.
For more bad date stories, check out bad online dates.
Posted by jamye | 2 comments