Thinking about stuffing the turkey has me think back to Portnoy’s Complaint, when Alexander Portnoy, the mentally anguished hero of the book that is seemingly only one chapter long and whines on and on, says:
So now you know the worst thing I have ever done. I fucked my own family’s dinner.
Something about that reminds me of turkey, but I can’t quite say what it is. He does fuck a piece of meat, and it ain’t turkey, and it’s not Thanksgiving, but still, can you imagine if it were? And then I’m reminded of another holiday…Halloween, and all those sexy Halloween costumes for the lad-eez. Is there (there must be) a sexy turkey outfit to compliment the handsome pilgrim? If there is, it mustn’t be a big seller, as I’ve yet to actually meet a turkey at any Halloween party I’ve ever attended. Or if I have met I turkey, let me apologize now, for your turkey costume did not impress me long enough to leave a lasting impression.
It don’t matter. It’s Thanksgiving, I’m mixed on the holiday, but big on giving thanks - and I think that’s something we should give not just today, but’s been said before. So here’s some stuff(ing) I’m thankful for this year:
For living life and not just being alive.
For people who strive to recreate the human experience so we can all experience.
For connections, deep and shallow (but I like the deep ones better unless I’m trying to come, then go shallow).
For feeling.
For intuition.
For love. For being it, seeing it and having it. And for realizing that everything is love this year. Not sure what that completely means yet (besides the fact that it sounds like I’m drinking too much kool aid) but really love is amazing. Not just loving others but loving yourself AND even more than just those two things, sending out love to everyone. Seriously, try feels awesome. Just look at the gal in the car next to you, or the homeless man sleeping in the corner under some heavy duty bag and radiate love. And then keep going..walking that is, and smiling and projecting’s rad. And I do mean rad, even though it’s a word I haven’t used in years, but I’m using rad because it’s Thanksgiving and I’m thankful for words like rad and bag (as in “under some heavy duty bag” and “it’s my bag baby”) and T-minus-T-day is not only a time to give thanks, but I’m declaring it a time to switch shit up. That’s why I’m cursing a lot too. I used to do it more than I do it now and I’ll go back to doing it a lot less tomorrow. I’m making my own rules now. I hope you’ll understand.
Thank you.
Posted by jamye