Anybody remember the Warrant song “I Saw Red?” It has nothing to do with the period/blood talk down below, but it used to be one of my favorite songs, and I say that proudly, and since red reminds me of blood reminds me of the red in the title of the song I was just curious if anyone else remembered it too.
Other random thoughts:
This sucks. South Carolina’s Legislature yesterday approved a bill which requires a woman to pay for an ultrasound, view the picture of the fetus with her doctor, wait an hour after seeing the ultrasound, sign a piece of paper saying she has seen the picture, and then and only then can she decide that she still wants an abortion. There’s no exceptions, not even in cases of rape, health or incest. If the house approves this bill (again) it goes back to the Senate and if they approve it, it will pass. This is totally emotional blackmail and beyond the scope of what is choice.
If you’re looking for a beautiful blog post to read, to get your mind off the SC crap, then try this one on for size. It was written by the girl who I looked up to most in college. I love the honesty, love and women’s issue she discusses.I will say however that I do have sex on my period, and I like having sex on my period, and I don’t give a damn about staining the sheets on my period, although when I remember to, I will try to put out the period sheets, which are sort of like the period pants (those would be underpants) I wear during my cycle so that I don’t ruin my other, sexier “fuck-me” now undies. Even though I like to have sex on my period, I definitely don’t have to have sex on my period either. Actually my period is so light that I guess that’s why I don’t mind having sex on it. It’s not light as in light and fluffy because I don’t think anyone can describe a period in those words, but since it’s pantiliner light and not super-thick overnight maxi with wings heavy, this might make the discomfort of doing it during my bleeding days a tad bit more conceivable.
There are some guys with blood fetishes though. And I remember when I first found this utterly womanly site (NSFW but then again I suppose my site is filtered out this way too) and thought about how some men truly appreciate blood.
Bleeding is such an amazing phenomenon. Although I’ll never forget the comedian, I will however forget his name, who said “I never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn’t die,” I mostly find the miracle of our periods quite fascinating. I’ve never put much thought into my own bleeding, the way misplaced mama does, but I now believe I should. Of course this may be because my bleeding is induced by the lack of chemicals in my body every fourth week thanks to modern medical science’s invention of the birth control pill.
I remember the first time I bled. My mother smacked me across the face and called it tradition, and I guess in the Jewish religion it is, although I’ve never bothered to look up the significance of it all. I was bummed that I became a woman three days before my bat-mitzvah, which in the Jewish religion symbolizes becoming a woman anyway. Maybe my timing was way on, but for me, all I could think about was that I might stain my custom made dress and that would have been horribly embarrassing for a first time bleeder.
I appreciate my bleeding, even if it’s short and even if that first day I hate my cramps, which I know are not as bad as bad cramps get. But I appreciate the fact that spilling blood also means I have the ability to create life as well. Even if after finding out I created life, I chose to end it before it began, before it cried out on this Earth (yes, an argument is brewing I know), I like that I have the choice to make it all happen, and most of the SC legislature who’s voting against choice probably does not even have the choice to have a baby.
I’m not saying I’d have an abortion, at least not now, not at my age. But I still believe I should have the right to choose what I want to do with my body.
Posted by jamye