Happy (almost) 2005
As the plane hit the ground, he jumped out of his seat and ran to the bathroom. The toilet seat was thrown up violently, and within five seconds you could hear the last twelve hours of his digestive history repeating itself. Back into the toilet. Wretching. Heaving. Puking. The flight attendants made comments like “oh boy,” and “he’s going to feel better after this one.” The last six rows of the plane had heard it all. I was in the back row.
I usually love Jet Blue, it’s the best way to fly. Digital TV is a bad excuse to not read or sleep, but it’s a really easy way to pass the four hours and five minutes to Denver, especially when Reno 911 and King of the Hill are having marathons showings. I can’t understand why I love Reno 911 so much, it’s the dumbest, most racist shows on television. I love it! LOVE it!
I am writing from Denver, CO, from a friend of a friend of a friends house, who, by the end of this trip will most probably be my friend too. We are all heading to New Mexico for an unexpected New Years of debauchery and relaxation. I can’t believe it’s tonight, this New Year. 2005. I hope it’s better than 2004, which was one of my favorite years to date.
So this guy pukes on one of the worst plane rides I’ve had in a while. The other two people I knew on the plane sat ten rows in front of me. Upon our re-encounter off the plane, we all looked at each other and agreed “really bad flight, right.”
Right. But today’s the last day of 2004. The purging was symbolic to me. Letting go of the year, getting ready for the next one. So, happy almost new year. I hope to write again tomorrow. But I don’t know what this New Year will bring.
Enjoy your last day in 2004. Enjoy it to it’s fullest.
Posted by jamye | 3 comments