- My First Time
When it comes to intercourse, how did you lose your virginity? Playgirl's Jamye Waxman reveals her first time...in detail. Inspired by the website, My First Time (www.myfirsttime.com) and My First Time - The Play (www.myfirsttimetheplay.com), Jamye gets personal and shares it all on Playgirl's Sexpod.
Added: [7/17/2007 - MP3 - 17 min. 32.8MB]

- Naked on the Internet
A one on one interview with one of the web's sexiest (and smartest) women! Jamye chats up author, blogger, pornographer, former sex worker and "all-around sexy nerd" Audacia Ray about her first book (Naked on the Internet), bisexual porn, and her own personal journey of living life online.
Added: [6/14/2007 - MP3 - 27 min. 48.2MB]

- Masturbate in May
It's Masturbation May so come for a cause! Jamye dishes out a brief history of masturbation and offers some quickie tips to help you change up your masturbation practices. Celebrate Masturbation May with someone you love!
Added: [5/21/2007 - MP3 - 19 min. 36.9MB]

- Making Sex
Jamye discusses her latest foray into making adult movies and some of what she's learned in the process. From gushing female ejaculators to what happens when you're actor can't sustain an erection, it's a hard job but somebody's got to do it.
Added: [3/22/2007 - MP3 - 18 min. 17.1MB]

- An Expensive Buzz
Jamye gives a rundown of some of the highest priced vibrators on the market. Are any of them worth the buzz? Listen and find out!
Added: [2/20/2007 - MP3 - 11 min. 11.1MB]

- Vegas Roundup '07
Having just returned from the AEE (Adult Entertainment Expo) Jamye highlights some of her favorite products, and moments, from the largest porn convention in the US!
Added: [1/20/2007 - MP3 - 16 min. 16.0MB]

- Put the oh, oh, oh in the ho, ho, ho
You don't have to recover from a hangover to feel a buzz this holiday season. This informative guide to sex toys will give you a whole range of ideas on what to buy for you or someone you love this Christmas or New Years. From anal beads to videos, if you're shopping for sex toys, stop here first. And remember, it's always nice to give the gift of an orgasm.
Added: [12/20/2006 - MP3 - 26 min. 17.9MB]

- Viagra - for women? - Download Clip
Find out what happens when Jamye's boyfriend took three male sexual enhancers - VigRX Oil, Semenax and Viagra. Do bigger loads really make for bigger orgasms? She did the research - all you have to do is listen.
Added: [11/19/2006 - MP3 - 26 min. 25.3MB]

- A - Z: A short list of sexual flavors
From anal sex to getting your zzzz's Jamye explores 26 different words that have to do with sex. A creative look at a sampling of sexual flavors. Added: [10/28/2006 - MP3 - 15 min. 13.7MB]

- The glamorous life of working in Adult
From her directoral debut in a sploshing video (a pie lovers dream), to producer of high end erotica, Jamye Waxman retells stories about her experiences in the adult industy. These original readings first heard at the In The Flesh reading series. Inthefleshreadingseries.blogspot.com will definitely catch your attention. It's one woman's tales about the ups and downs of working in adult Added: [9/25/2006 - MP3 - 15 min. 14.5MB]

- The Vibes in my Life
Sex is silly, so let's get on with it. Jamye reads a number of short letters to the vibrators in her life. Looking for a buzz? Then check this out.
Added: [9/6/2021 - MP3 - 16 min. 14.9MB]

- Sticky, Gooey Sex
Ready to change up your sex menu? Who told you you can't play with your food? Jamye suggests foods to use for having sex, and the easiest ways to clean it all up. Get ready for slippery, wet and wild sex. Added: [[8/15/2006 - MP3 - 16 min. 14.7MB]

- Kama Sutra - The Low Down
What is the Kama Sutra? Get the basics about this ancient text. From the art of scratching to sexual positions, find out what it's all about. Added: [8/3/2021 - MP3 - 17 min. 15.3MB]

- Hit The Spot
While the whole body is an erogenous zone, there are a few spots in particular that can really get a girl or guy off. Do you know the right buttons to push to take things to that next level? From the AFE Zone to the Prostate, learn where to press in this week's sexpod. Added: [7/18/2006 - MP3 - 16 min. 14.4MB]

- One Perspective on Threesomes
A threesome can feel magically delicious, or make a person manically depressed. It's all about where you're at in your relationship, or how adventurous you are if you go at it alone. But before you go there, go here, and listen to some sound advice from a girl who's been there and done that.And then you can wonder - is it worth it for you? Added: [7/04/2021 - MP3 - 21 min. 20.4MB]

- Love and Marriage
Why do people get married? Does marriage make sex better? This week Jamye pontificates love and marriage. Do they really go together like a horse and carriage? [6/20/2006 - MP3 - 17 min. 16.9MB]

- Erotic Storytime
Looking for an erotic story to get you in the mood? Look no further. Jamye reads Thomas Roche's "Just a Spanking" story from "Naughty Spanking: Stories from A to Z" (Pretty Things Press). It's hot, juicy and all about spanking..and thongs..and well, sex... [6/2/2021 - MP3 - 19 min. 18.3MB]

- The Ethics of Cheating
Would you date a cheater? Could you date somebody you knew was in another relationship at the same time they declared their love for you? Or would you stay with someone who cheated on you? And where do you meet men to date? This week's sexpod asks the questions. Do you have the answers? [5/18/2006 - MP3 - 21 min. 19.5MB]

- One Night Stands
The good, the bad and the ugly. Are one night stands truly worth it? Jamye's retells the story of her own worst one night stand, plus reasons why you should, and why you shouldn't, do it. [5/2/2021 - MP3 - 19 min. 17.4MB]

- Butt Sex Basics
A podcast by demand. A listener answered question about anal sex. Does sticking something up your bum hurt? What's the best lube to use? What positions are comfortable? Jamye plunges into the darkest of places and discusses everything butt... [4/19/2006 - MP3 - 23 min. 20.8MB]

- (Re)producing Sex
What goes in to making a porn? Before you get to the sex, what else do you have to get through? A behind the scenes look at what it takes to produce an erotic movie. [4/3/2021 - MP3 - 15 min. 13.6MB]

- The G Spot and P Spot: Mystery Solved
Get ready to hit the spot. The G Spot and Prostate have long been a mystery to many, but they don't have to be. Jamye provides a step by step guide to finding your erotic buttons. Plus a little discussion on vibration. It's not just for the ladies any longer. [3/21/06 - MP3 - 20 min. 18.5MB]

- Hot Buttons Pressed
It's all about hot topics on this weeks Sexpod. First, your virginity. Do we place to much importance on whether or not we save it for later? Does losing your virginity matter, or is it just not a big deal anymore? Then, do you know what's going on in South Dakota? It's all about abortion, and how one state would like to take away your right to choose. Information you need to know. Right here. Right now. [3/07/2021 - MP3 - 20 min. 21.5MB]

- Sexual Evolution
Sexuality is fluid so why do we often discuss it in terms of black or white? Why do we either have to be straight or gay? Why is marriage the be all end for most relationships and why can't our sexuality evolve as we do? Are you ready for change? This week join Jamye as she talks about the possibility for sexual evolution.
Added: [2/21/2006 - MP3 - 19 min. 18.5MB]
- Men and Women: When Planets Collide
Playgirl's Sexpod returns. This week, Jamye explores the differences between the sexes. Why the "Y" chromosome makes men and women more than slightly different. From visual stimulation, to sex, to using the toilet, how each sex handles itself. And, be sure to check out "The Men of Playgirl: European Centerfolds" available on your local cable providers pay-per-view lineup. [2/05/06 - MP3 - 17 min. 16.4MB]

- Boys and Toys
Jamye's back, although until she perfects her new equipment, she sounds like she's on helium, but it doesn't matter because she's back nonetheless. And this week, will women pay for sex? Plus, what to get him for the holidays? A guide to sex toys for boys. [12/06/05 - MP3 - 15 min. 11.4MB]

- The Necessity of Dating
Maureen Dowd's got a new book out, and the title is enough to make you wonder, "Are Men Necessary? When Sexes Collide." Jamye explores ideas about dating when it comes to the sexes and then reads through an absurd list, from a book about how to tell if a guy's going to marry you in 30 days or less. Will there ever be equality when it comes to dating? [11/08/05 - MP3 - 25 min. 11.4MB]

- Naked Ambition
Jamye interviews three women who are changing the adult entertainment industry. Carly Milne, www.carlymilne.net, former publicist to adult stars, commentator and editor of the new book "Naked Ambition;" Joy King, VP of Special Projects for Wicked Pictures, and Stormy Daniels, www.stormydaniels.com, Contract star, writer and director for Wicked. How are women changing the adult industry? Find out now! [10/31/05 - MP3 - 32 min. 14.9MB]

- Fellatio 01
Do Jewish girls give better head? Do all women deep throat? (Some of) your oral sex questions, answered...this week with Playgirl Sexplorer Jamye Waxman. [10/25/05 - MP3 - 20 min. 9.5MB]

- An Insider Peek at Playgirl TV and Lube, Lube, Lube!!!
An interview with Prescott Vacation, one of the video editors at Playgirl TV. Plus, an interesting fact about your bum...and what type of lube works best for you? So many choices, so little time! [10/17/05 - MP3 - 17 min. 7.6MB]

- An Intro to Kegeling
Mondays might suck, but here's a way to pass the time. Jamye teaches you about your PC muscles and how to do kegel exercises. Plus, are you an "average" woman? And, what to do if you want to change your taste (and no, she's not talking about your taste in clothing). [10/10/05 - MP3 - 18 min. 8.1MB]

- Playgirl's Sex Survey
A quick recap of vibrators to buy. Then, Jamye talks to Jill Sieracki, the Editor-in-Chief of Playgirl Magazine about Playgirl's latest sex survey. Fill it out online as you listen to them banter...What do women want when it comes to sex? Is there such a thing as too many sex partners? Inquiring minds want to know. Don't you? [10/03/05 - MP3 - 16 min. 7.6MB]

- Vibrators and Dildos...a Beginners Guide to Toys
What's the difference between a dildo and a vibrator, and what are these toys made of? Jamye explains some basics when it comes to shopping for sex toys. Plus, the Internet and it's impact on sex and what's your best or worst sex story? [9/26/05 - MP3 - 16 min. 8MB]

- A Cornucopia of Things Sex...and Erotica!!!
In this mixed bag of chatter, Jamye talks...and talks...Do NYC women have more sex? What kinds of secrets do you keep from your lovers? What words turn you on? There's also a NYC rant and some homemade erotica! [9/19/05 - MP3 - 15 min. 7MB]

- Sexual Firsts
We all have sexual firsts, and every time we experience something new with our current lover or a lover we haven't even met yet. Listen to Playgirl's first podcast, as our sexplorer Jamye Waxman talks about the world of sexual firsts... [9/13/05 - MP3 - 22 min. 10MB]
*All podcasts are taken from JamYe's SexPod at Playgirl.com
