
Getting Off: A Woman's Guide to Masturbation
"The first celebratory, supportive, nuts and bolts guide to female
masturbation in over a decade, Getting Off is a welcome addition to anyone's
sexual library. Sex educator and writer Jamye Waxman is as informed as she
is exuberant about the subject, and her friendly style is accessible to
nervous beginners and old pros alike. I particularly appreciated that she
isn't afraid to offer detailed, step-by-step technique advice, since this is
precisely what many women need to start their exploration. Getting Off also
covers the history and psychology of masturbation and documents its slow
foray into mainstream culture." - Cory Silverberg, about.com
A whole book on women and masturbation!!! For any woman who wants to know how to get herself off, and for anyone interested in learning a little more
about the wide world of masturbation - this book is it. With fantastic
illustrations by Molly Crabapple and a foreword by Betty Dodson! Getting Off
provides women with a wealth of masturbation knowledge mechanics of it, the joys of sexy toys off. Buy it now!
