October 10, 2021

Best Picture Eva (slang for ever)!!!

There are so many pictures I want to post right now, but today I think I have to post this one from Heeb. It's coming out in the Oct. 17th issue, and damn, I feel like I make holding that shofar look easy (it wasn't). It's so hard to actually pose for pictures - if you've ever had to try - and I can't get over how hot this looks. I love it, although I'm not sure that my parents will.

There's an article coming out in the Heeb Sex Issue, it features Sarah Silverman on the cover, and it's all about the Jewish Girl and the Blow Job. If you click on the cover on the Heeb homepage, you'll find my picture in between Sarah Silverman's and Naomi Wolf's. Who would have thought I'd have such an honor?

*I didn't write the article, a very funny, very talented Rachel Shukert did, but I get to be the stories covergirl. Crazy. I can't wait to buy the magazine, I mean, I think this is one of my favorite pictures ever.

Of course there's always ones like this from Friday night's Derek and Romaine show. Have I mentioned how much I love Romaine?!

romaineshow100705 008.jpg

The girl spanking me is another talented writer and friend, Rachel Kramer Bussel. The spanking felt good, really good, like a professional massage.

Wow! This has been one hell of a weekend. I'm going to post the story I wrote for Steppin' Out on my blog this week. It really explains where my head is at. And it's in a very good space.

Sometimes you just have to love and appreciate life. And that's what I'm doing today. Even if I have to do it from work.

Posted by jamye at October 10, 2021 04:44 PM