October 04, 2021

What the f*** is she rambling about?

0743255305.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg This is the book you should buy (see below)


The "she" I'm referring to in the title is me..sometimes I like to talk about myself in third person.


It was a weekend of debauchery. Things that even if I told you, you might not believe, and maybe if I told you I'd have to kill you. No, I would never do that, kill you...but maybe I'd have to slice an ear off.

Let's just say that there was a lot going on, and a little bit of sleep on the side. I never went to bed Saturday night, and by the time I fell asleep on Sunday, I knew I would lose half a day. And that sucks when you've got lots of plans, at least things that you would like to get done.

Instead of getting done what I wanted, I took care of something I needed to do. And that, my friends, is most fulfilling.


I don't really know anything about this site, but, by clicking on this link you are supposedly supporting free mammograms for women. This is a good thing, so click today, and everyday. I did.


My friend's book is just out and you should buy it. Why? Because she's my friend, she gives good advice, and I'm listed in the index (it's my first listing)...so exciting!!!! Seriously, it's well written and interesting. That's the real reason you should buy it. That, and all other reasons I listed...of course...

so what's the real reason?


I want to be teaching more classes..sex ed sort of thangs...so, if you or anyone you know wants an hour (or longer) lesson/class of sorts...get in touch with me and we can tawk...


and a bit of advice. never mix whites with colors. even in a cold wash. and if you do, and the things you washed happen to be white, or at one point were white, fear not...sort of. Bleach can be your friend. This is something I learned the hard way, and while now I won't have to explain the blue blanket or towel, I will have to explain a couple of other "things." All because I act before I think. Leap before I look. Talk before I open my mouth. You get the picture.


Oh, and I'm cramping bad. Ouch. It hurts. I hate bleeding once a month but I guess it's better than not bleeding for nine months (at least right now it is)...

Posted by jamye at October 4, 2021 02:15 PM