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Monday, March 5 2012

So Last Week 120

In this week’s So Last Week, Sex News You May Have Missed — does couples therapy really work? Rick Santorum on the sexual revolution and same-sex marriage. Another reason Rush Limbaugh should go away forever.  Fifty Shades of Grey isn’t black and white. The Blunt Amendment. Relationships from messy to maintenance. And, as always, more! more! more!

  • The Blunt Amendment goes up in smoke. (politico)
  • Santorum says nullify to same-sex marriage past, present and future. (SFGate)
  • Revolting..Rick Santorum and his sex problem. (NYT)
  • NYS bill would bar condoms as evidence of prostitution. (NYT)
  • And to finish out the NYT trifecta: Couples therapy stresses out therapists. (NYT)
  • Deconstructing Fifty Shades of Grey. (HuffPo)
  • To put it simply, f-k you Rush Limbaugh. (thinkprogress)
  • Do conservatives need a crash course in sex ed? (Reuters)
  • Messed up all over. Roommate’s sex life causes law suit. (Gothamist)
  • Nikol Hasler, former Midwest Teen Sex Show host, rises to life’s less sexy challenges. (onmilwaukee)
  • Following up on the messiness of life. (mysexprofessor)
  • Scheduling sex might save your relationship. (afterdarkLA)

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