Friday, December 10 2010

This week I asked AfterDarkLA’s Barbie Davenporte (yes, that’s her above and no, I don’t know if she’ll play like that with you on the first date, but maybe, you’d have to ask) to join me for a discussion on single life in the city of Angels. Barbie is not only the head writer for LA Weekly’s After Dark blog, but she’s an avid dater, clocking in more dates in one month than I have in a year. Since we’re both single and actively looking, I thought it would be fun to talk about dating in LA. Hear our deal breakers, our dating do’s/don’ts and our online experiences on the new Hot Sox Podcast: To Live and Date in LA.
Listen to the podcast now.
Posted in hot sox podcast, seX matters by jamye on 12/10/2021 - 3:26pm
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