Monday, December 6 2010
This week’s so last week, isn’t just sex news you may have missed. It’s also got menstruation and the MPAA. Plus, is the birth control playing with more than fertility; Julian Assange: condom-less romp or rape, and do you know the horizontal rule?

- How the pill changed the world, and the fertility problems it’s causing women today. (NYMag)
- Two films. Two similar sex scenes. Two different ratings. How the MPAA’s decision (once again) on ‘Blue Valentine’ “unmasks a taboo in our culture — that an honest portrayal of a relationship is more threatening than a sensationalized one.” Well said, Michelle Williams, well said. (LATimes)
- Dan Savage pegs Stephen Colbert into making his own It Gets Better video. (Indecisionforever)
- Toilet codes for menstrual cycles. In Norway, a red bracelet means a woman is menstruating… at work. (Alternet)
- On the topic of menstruation, while I prefer lunapads, Cup U’s short documentary on the Diva Cup was worth the 15 minutes. (Jezebel)
- Wikileaks and the case of the broken condom. (Suite101)
- Carpe Datem. Half-night Stand. The vocabulary of Generation Sex. (Huffpost)
- The divine secrets of the ta-ta sisterhood. Breast cancer, boobs and nipple tattoos. (Salon)
- “Hardcore Sex Positivity.” Courtney Trouble and Tina Horn are trying to legitimize porn as a contribution to the discourse of feminism, gay rights, trans rights, safe sane and consensual BDSM. Go team! (GoodVibesMag)
- Straight Male Pornstars need love too. A fleshbot stunt. (Fleshbot)
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 12/6/2021 - 8:34am
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