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Thursday, December 2 2010

Can You Manufacture Chemistry?

Every Thursday I’ll be answering a relationship/dating/sex question on my blog. If you have a question you’d like to submit, leave a comment with the question in it. Or send it to me at hottwax at gmail dot com.

Here’s my disclaimer about this next, new column. I’m not going to be unbiased, it never makes for interesting reading. I am going to be honest, and at times long-winded, because it’s who I am.

Question: Can you manufacture chemistry if it isn’t there from the start? If, and when, you choose a partner to spend the rest of your life with, should it come with benefits?

AnswerPheromones, maybe. Chemistry, no, I don’t think so.

Let’s get back to the question (warning: I will divert from the question again and again), one I posed to myself because it came up today in conversation. And I know “should” is one of the ugliest words in the dictionary. I also know that all relationships are unique - like tiny snowflakes on a cold December day, and if I were being as politically correct as I could be (or more accurately relationship pc) I would say something like:

“it depends on what the parties involved in said relationship discuss, agree upon and manufacture.”

But no, I don’t think you can manufacture chemistry, not when it was never there from the start. Not when it didn’t have something to build upon. Chemistry just doesn’t work like that.

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