Monday, October 11 2010
This week’s So Last Week, Sex News You May Have Missed celebrates in-vitro fertilization, sex studies and masturbation (which it turns out is valuable for procreation and pleasure). Plus dogging, Duke and double standards.

- In-vitro fertilization pioneer Robert Edwards wins the nobel prize in medicine. (LATimes)
- The sex study heard round the world. (WashingtonPost)
- Dogging, or sex in public, is tolerated in England. Until it isn’t. (NYTimes)
- Masturbation helps procreation. (Newsweek)
- Female athletes get naked for ESPN magazine. Would male athletes pose like this? (Jezebel)
- Sex. Scandal! Vegas. (LasVegasWeekly)
- The Duke F*ck List becomes a way big deal. (Deadspin & Jezebel)
- Same-sex wedding announcements not working for orthodox rabbis. (The Record)
- Stop me if you’ve heard this one already. Two guys walk into a bar. Then they get mad that it’s gay. It’s the Stonewall Inn for f**ks sake. (Gawker)
- James Franco isn’t a drag, even when he’s posing as a queen. (Salon)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 10/11/2021 - 1:57pm
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