This week’s so last week (sex news you may have missed) can’t overlook the news about bullying and suicide (for parents who want to talk to their kids about bullying, check out the Bully Shield App). Plus, a post on how women who absorb semen are happier than their abstinent/condom-using counterparts, Mr. Condom promotes his weapon of mass protection and Trojan gets MTV buzzing.
Trojan produces a commercial for their vibratring Tri-phoria and some high-up executive at MTV says, “No matter how liberal you are, a little kid doesn’t need to hear the word ‘vibrator.” How is vibrator wrong but violence right? (NYTimes)
A 13 year old boy hangs himself as a result of bullying. (LGBTQNation)
Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi jumps off the GW bridge after his roommate broadcasts his same-sex liaisons. (NYPost)
50 cent makes some homophobic remarks, showing the world why he sucks so bad. (CarnalNation)