Monday, July 26 2010
This week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed is number happy. From the AskMen 2010 survey to the Daily Beast’s “Sex: Who’s Having the Most?,” discover the numbers of people doing what they do and how they do it. Oh, so vague, yes, but that’s because there’s more below.

- The Great Male Survey. 2010 Edition. What dudes think about sex, dating, cheating and facebook. (AskMen)
- Erika Lust. Pornographer. Feminist. Author. Intelligent Conversationalist. (Alternet)
- “America will always be intrigued with sexy little pieces of jailbait — but, as it turns out, we’re not too comfortable with the notion of them getting off on their own devices.” The Taylor Momsen moment. (Salon)
- 15 ways to tell if you’re getting lucky more, or less, than the rest of us. (DailyBeast)
- Is polygamy harmful to society? A Canadian scholar studies those who marry more than one woman. (VancouverSun)
- Astrology gone wild: What happens when a relationship ends over the time of day you were born. (YourTango)
- Team Edward! Team Jacob! Vampire Sex. Reality vs. Fantasy. My advice and then some. (TheStir)
- When a kitten masturbates, who does God kill? (CarnalNation)
- Men with long ring fingers are more likely to get prostate cancer. (Independent)
- Cytherea. Patience is a squirtue (NSFW). (GramPonante)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 07/26/2010 - 9:13am
Tell Me You Love Me

July 29th, 2010 at 12:36 pm
[...] Last week’s edition of So Last Week from Jamye’s Blog: [...]