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Thursday, February 4 2010

Settling for Mr. Good Enough

As a single, thirty-something year old woman who recently ended one long, beautiful relationship that involved a live-in love and an adorably outspoken kitty, Lori Gottlieb’s new book, Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough is on my shortlist of books to read.

I remember hearing about it a few months back, while I was in the midst of dating “Mr. Exciting and New,” after having left “Mr. 4.5 years and now it’s over.”  I was answering questions for Glamour or Cosmo - honestly I can’t remember which, but whichever mag it was, there was also a quote from Lori in the same story. The writer told me a little about Lori (I had never read her Atlantic Monthly piece), and how controversial she was - talking about why it’s better to settle for someone who meets some of your needs then to wait for the perfect match.

I started telling all my friends that I could see Lori’s point.

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