Monday, January 26 2009
SNSQ #14 tackles the complexity of the most powerful sex organ. From what women want, to what Ted Haggard likes, it’s not always “this” or “that” when it comes to deciphering what’s really going on in your brain.
- What does a women want when it comes to sex? Daniel Bergner writes an in-depth, and insightful, article on the malleability of female erotic attraction. (NY Times)
- Hush money or compassionate assistance. What exactly was the New Life Church thinking when they gave another young man $$$ after he came out…. about his affair with Ted Haggard. (Denver Post)
- Coregasms can be a side effect of working out. (
- From pageant to porn, Miss USA (1991) makes her adult film debut. (The Daily Telegraph)
- And more porn, or at least pictures of a pregnant porn star (or is it former porn star these days?) Photos of a healthy, vibrant, very pregnant Jenna Jameson. (The
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 01/26/2009 - 9:12pm
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