So Last Week 142

Today’s sex news you may have missed spans a few weeks of news including Naomi Wolf, Tim Tebow, 18 again and how many sex partners should a woman have? It’s all so last week.

  • Neuroscience, Naomi Wolf, vagina and the new sexual revolution. (TheGuardian)
  • So messed up. Meet 18 Again, the vaginal cream designed to empower women to feel like a virgin. (DailyLife)
  • Cindy Gallop’s online crusade to make real sex look like real sex and not like porn sex. (NYT)
  • 9 completely different opinions on how many sex partners a woman “should” have. (Buzzfeed)
  • This is what real fatherhood looks like. (GoodMenProject)
  • Breastfeeding dad cannot join the La Leche Society as a lactation coach. (TheStar)
  • Tim Tebow is living la vida abstinent in New York. (NYT)
  • Texas state rep. Mary Gonzalez comes out as pansexual. (TheBlaze)
  • So how I feel: Why I choose love over motherhood. (HuffPo)
  • Kathy Griffin wants you to go Fifty Shades of Green. (PerezHilton)