
Sexually Speaking:
Sex information, sex blogging, sex writing and/or
sexual education.
Looking for a sex therapist, or counselor? This is the American Association
of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. This is a professional group
whose members fit into one of these categories (even sometimes loosely) and
a great resource for anyone who needs professional help around their
relationship, sexuality, gender and identity and doesn't know even where to
Abby Ehmann
Want to know about a sexy party happening in NY or San Francisco? Then
check out Abby's site. This lady knows what's going on.
All About My Vagina
If you're looking to talk about your vagina, or anyone else's for that
matter, you'll want to poke around here.
Audacia Ray/Waking Vixen
Audacia Ray is no sleeping beauty (ain't that the truth). One of the
brightest up and coming sexperts around, Ray has her hands full. She's
just produced/directed/wrote her first Bi-porn (The Bi Apple), she's
writing her first book, she's contributing to www.fleshbot.com and
she's super smart, super sexy, and I'm super sure she's on her way to
the top. Make sure you keep up with this girl.
Adult Video News. It's part of the pulse of the fuck business.
Betty Dodson
The mother of female masturbation, Betty is a sexual fireball. If you
don't know her work, you're missing out.
This awesome, sexy, smart, and dirty brainchild of Lux Alptraum and
Blakely is one of the best sites about sex online. Boinkology is
all the sex news that's fit and unfit to print. Full of insightful
commentary on sex (both in the video and written form) this site rocks.
A Pioneer in the adult movie business, Royalle created Femme
Productions to produce erotica from a female perspective. An author, an
activist and a glamorous gal, she knows a thing or to about sex and
vibes. In fact her Natural Contours line of vibrators are some of the
most aesthetically pleasing toys on the market.
Carly Milne
I met Carly when she was a sex toy reviewer for eyada.com. She's a
truly gifted and funny writer. She's got a way with words, and she
knows how to use them. Buy her books and read her blog.
Carol Queen
Another pioneer in the sex industry, Queen's an author, activist,
writer and pioneer. Her Center for Sex and Culture is just one example
of how she's devoted her life's work to sex.
CherryTV.com focuses on juicy talk about sex from the female
Offering a mix of unique video content and peer social networking
opportunities, CherryTV provides young women with educational
for a more satisfying sex life. This site is fresh, hip and I'm one of
hosts of Fresh Advice, the sex advice and information show, so check it
Diana Cage
The former editor of On Our Backs, Diana Cage is an SF sexpert now
living in New York. She's got a few books, including Threeways: Fulfill
your Ultimate Fantasy (I'm quoted in that one).
Ducky Doolittle
I first met Ducky when pseudo.com still existed. Then we worked
together at Babeland. She's one of the coolest sex educators I know. If
you haven't checked out her blog, her advice and her book Sex with the
Lights On, you're missing out.
The Derek and Romaine Show
This dynamic duo host a radio show on Sirius Satellite Radio's Out Q. I
love them, I love the show, and I love when I'm a guest!
Kate Friedrichs - sexedvice
A student of sex, Ellen Friedrichs educates for Planned Parenthood and
teaches college courses on sex. She's a talented writer who gives great
Em and Lo
From Nerve.com to New York Magazine, these ladies have written about
sex for as long as I've known them. They're books are hip and so are
Eros Zine
It's the Eros Guide to Erotica. Enough said.
Em: Sexuality Happens
Essin' Em is one hot pansexual feminist. This smart, sexy and sassy
(and I mean that in the best of ways) talks the talk and spills the
dirt on
anything and everything sex. From news to reviews, she's got it covered.
All the (porn) news fit to print.
Good Vibrations Sex Tips
Everyone gets by with a little help from their friends, and the staff
at Good Vibrations is totally the kind of friends you want to have
when you need advice on sex. Their blog is a mouthpiece for the GV
SESA's (sex educator/sales associates) and the Customer Service Reps
who deal with sex on a daily basis.
Goofy Foot Press
The Guide to Getting it on - one sex manual everyone should own.
Grant Stoddard
I first met Grant on Naked New York, when I was a Producer, and he was
an accidental sexpert. We had an instant connection and spent the next
few years making trouble (together and alone). He's funny, and
eloquent...and his book should be great - Working Stiff: The
Misadventures of an Accidental Sexpert (I hear I'm in their too!)
and Scorpio
The self proclaimed queens of online dating, they sometimes post sexy
events held around New York (city).
If Jane says you're quality, then odds are you are. A site that reviews
sex sites so you don't have to, Jane's Guide has been helping find good
sex sites for a very long time.
Kinky Jews
A place for the young, Jewish and alternative.
Live Girl Review
Hosted by Audacia Ray, Live Girl Review offers up video reviews of
culture and media: books, film, art, and yes - porno and sex toys. Not
always well-behaved and tasteful, but always smart and critical, while
losing sight of that whole fun thing.
in the Mirror
Madeline is a mother, lover, sister, therapist, writer and bitch
(although in the brief moments I spent with her I didn't see the
bitch)...and her insights are refreshing and intelligent. I really
enjoy her perspectives from deep in the heart of a small town not
anywhere near New York.
Lyn Bernard
This girl can write. Her blog is about the tales and travails of a
Warlem almost-hipster as she navigates the rocky roads of her smokin'
hot life (mostly her words not mine).
Miss Vera's School for Boys Who Want to be Girls
A truly unique school, founded by a truly unique lady (Miss Vera).
She's got classes in New York and books for extra credit!
Molly Crabapple
An artist, a burlesque dancer, an entrepreneur and a sex symbol - this
is the talented Molly Crabapple.
Naughty Art
My friend Irvin Bomb is a
talented artist who knows how to draw..and paint! Check out his erotic art
and enjoy the visual titillation.
Read my sex advice HERE every month. It's for women and the men that
love them (not men that love women though - unless it's women writers)
It's not your parents Playgirl.
Pucker Up with Tristan Taormino
This is the official website of NY based columnist, author, director
anal sexpert Tristan Taormino. From honest, down-to-earth sex tips to
lustful commentary, there's something for everyone at PuckerUp.com!
Kramer Bussel
Lusty Lady columnist (Village Voice), Senior Editor at Penthouse
Variations, erotic storyteller and author, Bussel updates her blog
regularly. Whether she's talking about cupcakes or spanking, she's
always got something to say.
Wired.com's sex techie, Regina is the
hippest geek I know. I love her blog and her columns; when it comes to
sex and tech, think Regina Lynn.
A blog about life, love and working in the porn industry. She works at
"Sexyland" a large sex emporium where they really do make almost
everything you could possibly need to spice up your sex life. It's an
insiders look into the world of porn, but not just porn, from the
perspective of someone who works in the fuck industry.
A place for online erotica. Heather Corinna's a sex
educator/photographer/activist and she runs' this site. If words turn
you on, check her out.
Toy Boy
Sex Toy Boy is a 30 year old Transman who works in a high end sex toy
shop in New York City. His blog is all about his adventures selling
toys (duh!). Funny insights from a clever man.
Sounds Erotic
Looking for erotic stories on CD? From sugar to spice to downright
naughty, you can find out more here.
Susie Bright
She's all about sexual politics. Her sex writing and ranting is always
interesting and smart.
Tara Tainton
Tara Tainton is an author, a lover and a experientiallist.She has a
fantastic site that she calls "a playground for consenting adults." Not
sure what an experientiallist does, or just want to play? Go
ahead...she's waiting.
Thomas Roche
Professional writer - you can find his erotica (and other stuff) all
over the place. A lot of his stories are, shall we say, rather
Two Tall Blondes
Kate Bornstein and Barbara Carrellas are powerful women, both
personally and professionally. Kate's done lots of work around gender -
her latest book is Hello Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to Suicide, for
Freaks, Geeks and Other Outlaws. Barbara's got a few books too, and she
coined the phrase and teaches classes around Urban Tantra.
I must confess that I love this woman. She's a beautiful and vivacious
woman with a sexual appetite like no other. A mother, a lover, a
dissastisfied wife. Brutally honest. Moving. Lovely. Sexy. Check out
Sex Carnival
A place for all things sex, Viviane, and others do a great job of
keeping the blogosphere updated on sex news and events from around the
Violet Blue is hot. In more ways than one. Great blog, great sex
advice, great podcasts and great writing. She's got the market on
Ultimate Guides.
If it's going on in the adult industry, odds are xbiz knows all about it. .
Sign up for their daily digest of adult oriented news, and be the first to

Like me, like them (well, maybe):
Andy Horwitz
One of the first bloggers I know of, he's not blogging now, and his
site is technically "under construction" but you can find out more
about the man if you go there anyway.
Cynra Media
The woman responsible for the design and upkeep of my site. She's
for Free Expression
A not for profit dedicated to preserving individuals rights to freedom
of expression. I happen to be their President.
Group Coordinators Journal
It used to be called "Good at Being Cracked Out," but then she got
wise(r). The journal of a self-proclaimed snark, I like reading this
girl. I like reading her a lot.
He makes good music. That's about as basic as he gets. I dig dancing to
his beats.
Levin's Journal
A cool guy. He's living in Portland now. I like his writing.
Mike Daisey
A great storyteller and a funny, intelligent kind of guy.
Nicole Beland
Freelance journalist, author, Deputy Editor of Women's Health
and "The Girl Next Door" at Men's Health, Ms.
Beland has got it going on. And she's a fun writer to read.
The Polenblog
Four brothers. Three friends. Funny dudes.
A fire spinner, an office girl, a jewelry maker and a lady full of
The View from Here
A nice (as long as he likes you) Jewish boy from Long Island, Harry's
one of my two oldest friends from high school. He lives in Israel with
his wife Zeva, and he's smart, talkative and really quite interesting.
Read the blog. Listen to his podcasts.
Wendy Tremayne
The creator of Swap-o-rama-rama. Wendy and I grew up in the same town
(a few years apart), and have been magically connected through a
variety of outlets. She's led one of the coolest lives I'd ever want to
A showcase for bloggers to show their talent. Held monthly at The
Bowery Poetry Club.

Places to buy sex toys:
Adam and Eve
If you're looking for the basics you can find them here. Phil Harvey,
the companies founder, sells sex to the rich, but does a lot more to
help the poor.
Formerly Toys in Babeland, now Babeland, I was a sex educator here for
five glorious years. This company knows its stuff when it comes to sex,
and it's a great place to go for sex toy advice (and purchases). If
you're ever in NY, Seattle or LA you should stop in and check them out.
2 Bed
This cool Chicago joint, not only boasts workshops, salons and a book
but it's focus is on being a women-oriented, boy friendly type of shop.
Online you can still feel this vibe, and read their blog, and their
prices makes this a definite place to shop for sex toys.
Eden Fantasys
A site to buy sex toys, but what I like most is their nice list of the
different sex toy materials. I couldn't find a mention of the fact that
there are phthalates in jelly rubber, still I think they're a good
to know about.
Eros Boutique
For some sweet lingerie and other kinkier items, get thee to Eros Boutique
(based out of Boston, MA). Not only do they have a large selection of
bondage gear and fetish toys, they also have a whole host of wearable
hotness and vibrating love. Even Madonna fell in love with their equestrian
fetish gear. Love is just a click away.
and Eddy
Ian and Alicia are the real deal, both personally and professionally.
One of my favorite married couples (they've been together over 18 years) they
started their online (and terrestrial Venice, CA store) to help couples
find ways to restore and resexify their long-term relationships. All their
toys are tested, and reviewed, and not only is the site Quality (yes, with a
capital Q) but so are they. Plus, they are the only store I know that
offers a full return policy, satisfaction guaranteed. Plus they have great
prices, and if you can make it to their LA store, Freddy/Ian says they have
great coffee.
Good Vibrations
The first women owned and operated sex shop, Good Vibes prides itself
on its sex positive ways. Originally a west coast store, they've
recently opened a branch in Boston. I really like the Good Vibes line
of toys and books.
This Denver based sex shop is not only one of a kind in Colorado, it's
run by a really cool husband and wife team. Great toys, good prices and
souls (isn't that most important), check out Hysteria Sex Shop next
you're looking for a quality sex toy.
Really elegant, beautiful sex toys, and they're rechargeable. If you've
got the money to spend, these are some of the nicest toys I've ever
played with.
Pure Pleasure
A sweet spot in Santa Cruz. This smallish mother/daughter shop has a number
of quality products and great, hard-to-find lubes, plus it's always got
plenty of workshops going on. Whether you're just stopping by SC, or if
you're online and you want to support a family-run business, check these
fabulous ladies out.
A beautiful, classy line of hard plastic sex toys. This is the Candida
Royalle line of sex toys.
Smitten Kitten
This uber-progressive Minneapolis based sex shop is the first and only
toy retailer to exclusively sell non-toxic toys. They are also the only
retailer who founded and operates an adult consumer advocacy and
education organization- The Coalition Against Toxic Toys. And they're
into outreach too.

*This links page is a work in progress, meaning
more links will be added regularly. If you feel you are omitted in
error, please forgive me, write me, and
let's work it out.