and one of two friends I still have from high school.
(no not hairy, Harry)
Harry wanted me to wait until he's dead to talk about how selfless he is, but I didn't want to have to wait that long. So my friend Harry is selfless. So selfless that I actually think he's going to get me back on iTunes rather quickly. Apparently he thinks it's a technical glitch, and he knows how to fix it. He should know (how to fix it) since he's been podcasting, along with his wife Ziva, way longer than I have.
My second podcast is up. Live. Now. And so is a new page. I think it looks hot. Yes hot. Not that I look hot, but the page, boy is it mmm..mmm..good...
I've just resubmitted to iTunes. Keeping my fingers crossed, which is making it difficult to type.
Okay, have uncrossed them. I don't follow a lot of what's going on - something I probably shouldn't admit, but apparently a lot of angry shit is going down with some Suicide Girls. All good things must come to an end, and after reading Violet Blue's blog on them, I think that whatever happened at that organization sucks. And if anybody you know, including yourself, is a member of SG, you may want to read what's going on and see how you feel. I can't support a site that doesn't support it's people.
Otherwise. Got through the first chapter of Pornified. It's amazing how someone can write so much and still not say anything.
Oh, and last night, caught a beautiful set by my fantastic friend. Check her out.
Posted by jamye at September 21, 2021 05:17 PM