February 03, 2021

So close to Yosemite..

Dsc01402.jpg the view from the porch

I am still alive although it’s been over ten days since I’ve last written. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to, it’s just that sometimes life travels faster than you actually do. And I am still traveling and life is flying by. Sometimes I feel as if I am having a nervous breakdown, as if I have too many choices. But I like choice, because it allows me to make decisions. I am never sure if they are the right decisions or not, but I guess the only way to know is to try.

I am spending the month of February in California. Not in one particular place, actually more or less all over the state. Right now I am close to North Fork, which is the dead center of CA. Yesterday I was in San Francisco, which is obviously not the dead center of CA since North Fork claims that title. Being here makes me realize that I really do love SF.

Still I am not ready to commit, "to settle down." I have an exciting job opportunity next month which will bring me back east. I don’t want to jinx it just yet, because I haven’t actually started work, but it’s something I am really excited about for the sheer adventure of learning. And if all goes well I will have a lot of responsibility. And after six months of recreating my life, I will be ready.

But I am not done. I just wanted to touch base, let you know that I am living, breathing, eating, pooping and enjoying the warmer weather out west (although it snowed here yesterday, and I am only 10 miles from a lot of snow in the town of Oakhurst, which is rather close to Yosemite). So it won't be too long before you shall hear from me again.

In other words...
I will be back.

Posted by jamye at February 3, 2021 08:14 PM