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Monday, April 16 2012

So Last Week 125

In this week’s sex news you may have missed, Ashley Judd becomes the face of the fierce femme. Sweden goes henny. The New Yorker asks, why are so many Americans living alone? Tennessee declares holding hands the new “gateway drug” to sex, and pressure is on for Obama to evolve his views on same-sex marriage. It’s all So Last Week.

  • Why Ashley Judd should be everyone’s new favorite actress. (DailyBeast)
  • Sweden plans to go from gender-equal to gender-neutral. How do all the hen’s feel? (Slate)
  • Living alone. Choice or conflict? (TheNewYorker)
  • Meet SB 3310, a bill in Tennessee that defines holding hands and kissing as “gateway sexual activities.” (ThinkProgress)
  • As Democrats build momentum, Obama is urged to give his blessing to same-sex marriage. (LATimes)
  • In India, her vagina is a brown and white issue. (Jezebel)
  • Sexual prudery is so last century. (Alternet)
  • Sexism thrives in the streets of Europe. (BBC)
  • Porn stars dig Rick Santorum. (Alternet)
  • HBO unveils it’s newest Sex and the City and it’s called Girls. (E!)

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