Monday, November 21 2011
In this week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed, the New York Times goes eight pages into sex education. The White House, Bishops and birth control. Moore Demi and Ashton and Benetton goes beyond (fashion, again) to shake things up.
My so last week in pics: White Raspberry Cake. Dog Cunnilingus. The Electric Jesus.
- This week’s must read: Teaching Good Sex. (NYT)
- The White House admits it may cave to bishops on birth control coverage. (RHRealityCheck)
- Demi Moore. Ashton Kutcher. Open relationships and divorce. (TheDailyBeast)
- Benetton’s pope kissing ad and the backlash that ensued. (Guardian)
- Scantily clad men viewed as less competent. Hmm, not sure I agree… (LiveScience)
- The fear of having more babies is ruining my sex life. (TheStir)
- Gaddafi’s sex habits explored. (Gawker)
- Facebook grapples with porn infestation. (Sexis)
- 14 luxury sex toys that may break your budget. (Cracked)
- Spicing it Up. The Freddy and Eddy episode. (SexNerdSandra)
Posted in so last week by jamye on 11/21/2011 - 12:47pm
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