Monday, August 22 2011
In this week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed the China’s “naked marriage” problem. Plus the Holy Bible and pornography. Six Legged Insect Sex and Hysteria! The Vibrator Movie Trailer. Plus a whole lot more! more! more!
- China tries to stop women from marrying for money. Love, they say! Love! (
- Can the Christian crusade against pornography bear fruit? (CNN)
- Bizarre plan reveals Britain thought of turning Hitler into a woman to win the war. (
- Insex: Everything you wanted to know about bug sex but didn’t even think to ask. (NPR)
- Sex on a first date doesn’t have to mean anything more or less than sex on a first date. (GoodMenProject)
- Homosexual zebra finches are attached and faithful. (BBC)
- Meet the Duet. A vibrator and USB Flash Drive! (Signature9)
- California porn ballet initiative underway. (LATimes)
- Hysteria. The movie trailer that’s got everyone buzzing. (Moviefone)
- Women beats partner with strap-on penis. Then charged with domestic violence. (UnicornBooty)
image via marcfalardeau/flickr
Posted in so last week by jamye on 08/22/2011 - 5:47am
Tell Me You Love Me

Monday, August 15 2011
In this week’s So Last Week, sex news you may have missed, NYC brings sex education back. Gay or not gay? The debate surrounding the relationship of Sesame Street’s Bert and Ernie. Facebook makes breaking up easy to do, and harsh too. Plus, how not to save a marriage and a dancing carrot marriage proposal!

- Sex Education makes a comeback in New York City schools. Mandate and all. (NYT)
- Bert and Ernie should not get gay married. (TheStir)
- Save the sausages. A dildo campaign goes global. (Adweek)
- Females can control the evolution of male handsomeness. (io9)
- Blood test can predict fetuses gender at least one month before the doctor can. (CBS)
- How not to save a marriage. (HuffPo)
- Moscow has a sex museum too! (VancouverSun)
- Wendy Babcock, Toronto sex-activist found dead. (
- Breakups made easy, and harsh, through Facebook. (BaltimoreSun)
- A dating site for cancer survivors. (Gather)
- Video of dancing carrot marriage proposal goes viral in China. (LATimes)
Posted in so last week by jamye on 08/15/2011 - 9:47am
Tell Me You Love Me

Thursday, August 11 2011
Yeah, the Hot Sox podcast is back and this week we’re seeing red (RIP Jani Lane). Periods! Blood! Sex! Menstrual Pads! Diva cups! That’s what we talk about live (at the time of taping) from Vancouver, BC. I hope you’re ready for an honest conversation around menstruation because that’s what you’ll get on this week’s Hot Sox Podcast.
I’m delighted to have had the chance to sit in the offices of lunapads ( and my very special guest is Madeleine Shaw, the co-founder of the reusable menstrual @lunapads. We talk about sustainable solutions for handling blood, and why it’s time to think about how you “deal” with it. Plus, why it’s “normal” to be grossed out by blood, the importance of being in touch with our bodies, developing countries and the problem with girl’s getting periods and lots bloody more. Plus, period sex. Hot or not? You decide.
Listen via itunes too.
Posted in hot sox podcast by jamye on 08/11/2021 - 11:11pm
Tell Me You Love Me

Monday, August 8 2011
In this week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed…birth control becomes free, or free for some. Plus the (well done) argument that abortion is a moral, not religious decision. Cable TV companies want you to buy more porn and the walking contradiction of chivalry.

- YES! Free birth control for women. Make it mandatory bitches. (CNN)
- The religious reasons why abortion is a moral decision. (HuffPo)
- TV porn doesn’t sell like it used to. (WSJ)
- Tune in Tokyo. Nipple stimulation is linked to female genital . (CBS)
- Gender equality leads to better sex. (USAToday)
- Can white men solve black women’s relationship problems? (Jezebel)
- May I walk you to your car? Chivalry and its contradictions. (GoodMenProject)
- The ins and outs of masturbation. Boys do it more than girls, and more often. (USNews)
- Dolly Parton apologize for Dollywood “scandal” involving Marriage is so gay t-shirt. (NYDailyNews)
- Learning is “fun”damental. Economics 101. The Sex and Love Edition. (BigThink)
Image via gnarlsmonkey/flickr
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 08/8/2021 - 9:06am
Tell Me You Love Me

Monday, August 1 2011
In this week’s So Last Week, Sex News You May Have Missed one classroom in Sweden goes genderless. Homosexuality, bullying and suicide in Minnesota. Sex selection is making girls disappear and Generation X tries to save marriage.
- Boys and girls abolished in Swedish kindergarten. Instead teachers use the term “hen”. (
- Mamma Mia: Maternal deaths focus harsh light on Uganda. (NYTimes)
- In China, India and other countries that promote sex selection, there’s a bleak outlook for both boys and girls. (SFGate)
- Don’t teach, don’t tell. After seven suicides, one Minnesota teacher challenges talking about homosexuality in the classroom. (CNN)
- So a few weeks ago: The Divorce Generation. (WSJ)
- Rick Perry not okay with gay marriage, but a-okay with states rights. (USAToday)
- Researchers investigate the stayover relationship trend. (redorbit)
- Hugh Hefner gets up to tell the world he still gets it up. (MSNBC)
- Olivia Wilde to go deep. Or at least to play porn star Linda Lovelace. (TotalFilm)
- Sexual video games are good for us. (Kotaku)
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 08/1/2022 - 1:55am
Tell Me You Love Me