So Last Week 204

Happy Valentines Day. As I continue to adjust to life with baby, the schedule for Sex News You May Have Missed adjusts too. In this week’s news, hookup culture strikes twice. Japanese girls give new meaning to My Bloody Valentine. Body image liberated and what not to say to a transgender person. #solastweek

  • “People who are in consensual non-monogamous relationships use condoms more and use condoms more correctly than people who are secretly cheating on their partner.” This, and other interesting findings about hookup culture. (NYMag)
  • RIP Gloria Leonard. Pornographer and publicist. (NYT)
  • Menstrual blood, chocolate, pubic hair and love. The Japanese art of really weird gifts. (RocketNews24)
  • I don’t care if I look fat in these pictures. A liberating piece on body image. (
  • Michael Sam is the first openly gay NFL player and Texas sports anchor Dale Hansen sums up his coming out eloquently and beautifully. (People)
  • 10 things you may not have known about love and sex - although I believe it’s the four year itch and that men who understand their penis mechanics last longer in bed too.  (io9)
  • Jewish Grandma to Gay Grandson: Don’t Go Near Russia. (TabletMag)
  • Karl T. Wright and Wendy Miller a must-see marriage and an amazingly happy (and funny) couple. (LAWeekly)
  • What not to say to a Transgender person. (CNN)
  • So last year: When will it be okay for men to hook up with men, even if they’re not gay? (NYMag)
  • Releasing your inner naughty girl (cause naughty girls need love to). (atouchofflavor)