So Last Week 144

In this week’s sex news you may have missed, sexting replaces heavy petting in the oh! no! teenagers! are engaging in risky behavior! department. Online dating goes to the zoo. Porn star Stoya speaks on sexual harassment. Plus Meryl Streep on relationships, Paris Hilton proves her mouth is bigger than her brain and Pink reveals her truth about love. It’s all So Last Week.

  • Sexting is the new petting. (eMaxHealth)
  • So today: Online dating for zoo animals. (Skynews)
  • Rape at Burning Man. It happens, now what are you going to do about it? (SFWeekly)
  • So two weeks ago and I’m loving it: Stoya says, I’m a porn star and if you harass me, I will punch you in the balls. (Jezebel)
  • 50 shades of fetish. Lots pony up to the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. (SFGate)
  • Women more nostalgic about sex with an ex. (DailyMail)
  • Which goes along with Meryl Streep’s relationship observation: Women work harder in relationship than men do. (MonstersandCritics)
  • Paris Hilton should learn to just shut up, instead she apologizes for her derogatory comments about gay men. (LATimes)
  • Pink is still learning the truth about love. (USAToday)
  • Eight steps towards becoming a sexuality workshop teacher. (CharlieGlickman)
  • My new show! Sex with Others, Episode 2. (SexLoveJoy)