I decided to post a blog without thinking much about what it was I would write. I generally think about what I want to say prior to writing, just so I have some clear focus and intention. Only today I realize I'm neglecting this blog for other higher paying gigs (Uhm, I make nothing writing this blog just in case you weren't sure), and so I've decided to spontaneously sit here and type. It's partially because I can't think of a good way to start Chapter 5 of the book I'm writing (The chapters called Speaking in Tongues and it's about oral sex, and I totally think that's clever, don't you?) and partially it's because I don't think I have all that much to say right now. I've been home every night this week doing work, and that's basically been my whole life. Every time I'm supposed to teach a class it's cancelled, which sort of makes me feel as if I am jinxed, but not really, and it's just giving me more time to work, work, work. And speaking of work, I'm trying to think of clever ways to write my first big magazine article right now, btw.
But really, this has become all about me. Although I guess that's what a blog is when it's called my not so secret spastic life. I also guess if you decide to name your website the same name as your birthname (except I left out my middle name - which is Michelle just in case you were wondering - and I wasn't sure how to spell Michelle for the longest time cause I never used my middle name), then that could also make it more about me, but whatever, enough about me, let's talk about you, what do you think about me?!
Okay, I've used that one before. It just never gets old.
Seriously though, if you have a thought on this cunnilingus topic, I'd love to hear it. Email me, okay? What do you love about going down on a woman? I want to know why you do it. And what you love about it, and her, and whatever other juicy details you want to share...
And you can read my latest interview at Souldish...
Yeah, sometimes it's all about me...and sometimes it's just enough already...