January 17, 2022

Boob Sisters

Boobs are my obsession. More accurately, my boobs are my obsession. Not because I love them, quite the contrary, because I have always had a problem with them. This is going to sound so wrong but I'm going to write it anyway.

I have really large areola, or the pink area that surrounds the nipples on my breasts. They are a very pale, pale, pink, which actually helps my case, but still they are really quite big. They are so large that I often have qualms with the manufacturers of pasties because none of the stickly nipple thangs ever fully cover my "areolic field of vision." *No I am not a burlesque dancer, I just like that pasties can make boobs look perkier than they might otherwise be.

Anyway. This past week, while I was in Vegas, I got to talking to another of the ladies that was there. We were discussing our boobs, saying things like "Yeah, I have really large areola. Yeah, they're really pale. Yeah, I have no cleavage and (I used to say that) you could stick a full fist, or a third boob, inbetween the other two," when this other woman turns to me and says,

"Now I have to see your boobs."

So we go into the bathroom and both of us lift up our shirts. And...much...to...our...surprise (is the suspense killing you yet?).....

we have the same boobs. Mine are a cup size bigger, but other than the slight difference in shape, we are boob sisters. I have never met another girl who fully understood my boob dilemma until now. We share a special bond, and apparently she has learned to love her boobs, and so does her husband, and she began to help me understand what others have been trying to make me see for a really long time...

While I know that all boobs are beautiful, I finally see that this means mine are too.

Apparently, Mira Sorvino might have the same boobs as us as well. So the community of large, pale areola'd hotties continues to grow.

And I become proud....

Posted by jamye at January 17, 2022 10:46 AM