Monday, April 23 2012
In this week’s sex news you may have missed, boys and men healing around sexual abuse. Hong Kong wants its citizens to have more sex. Robotic prostitution and sex tourism. Men, women and that crazy little thing called love. All that and a pile of vegan sex toys! It’s So Last Week: Sex News You May Have Missed.
- “Research shows that one in six boys is sexually abused before his 18th birthday.” Sexual abuse survivors start to speak out. (ThePlainDealer)
- Research and educators encourage more sex in Hong Kong. (NYDailyNews)
- How robotic prostitutes would change the sex tourism industry. Thanks GoodVibes. (io9)
- Steve Harvey discusses what men and women think about love. (WashPost)
- Condoms as evidence in prostitution endangers public health. Go Audacia Ray! (Ms.)
- Columbians, prostitution and the Secret Service sex scandal. (BostonHerald)
- Harvard sex week. Female orgasm, dirty talk and more. (DailyBeast)
- 50 shades of Grey is helping to sell more than just books. (LATimes)
- Sex-mad German Vegans unite. We have your sex toys. (
- File under state of sad: Women go on feeding tubes to lose weight in time for their wedding. Kill…me…now. (Nerve)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 04/23/2012 - 9:59am
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