Monday, November 14 2011
In this week’s So Last Week, Sex News You May Have Missed, Cory Silverberg explains Vulvanomics. The Penn State Scandal. Satan wins (hot damn and hallelujah) in the state of Mississippi. Former porn star reads non-porny things to first graders, but first, my last three pictures!
Kitties and The Fleshbot Awards (with Editrix Abby, Buck Angel, Molly Crabapple and Michael Malice)
- Vulvanomics. Get with the program. (about)
- It’s important to speak up as an active bystander of child sexual abuse. Lessons from the Penn State Scandal. (RHRealityCheck)
- “A battle of good and evil of biblical proportions” is touted in the state of Mississippi, and still voters firmly reject Initiative 26: a controversial amendment that went way too far on abortion, birth control, women’s rights and more, leaving some to proclaim Satan as winner! (Businessweek)
- Berlusconi is out as Prime Minister of Italy, but it’s not only about who he did the old in-n-out with. Instead, blame it on the Greeks. (Reuters)
- Porn memorabilia becomes a legitimate collectible. (CNBC)
- Sex with animals may lead to increased risk of penis cancer. (HuffPo)
- Not for the back of seats: Ryannair thinks about introducing in-flight porn. (Time)
- Is pregnant sex the best sex ever? (Babble)
- 29 tips from 29 sexperts. Not it. (CollegeCandy)
- Former porn star Sasha Grey reads to first graders. Uproar ensues. (Slate)
Posted in so last week by jamye on 11/14/2011 - 3:33am
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