Monday, September 26 2011
In this week’s So Last Week we look at the hit-making effect of reproductive messages in hit songs. Then we read an answer to the question, on the point of female orgasm (as in what’s the point, not when does it happen) and what to expect when it comes to sex after prostate cancer. Plus, sex education in New Zealand may be aiding in teen pregnancy and 50 ways to blow your lover. It’s all sex news you may have missed.

- Reproductive messages in songs make for top-charting hits. (WashPost)
- Female Orgasm: What’s the dileo? (PopSci)
- “In Holland there are only five births per 1000 teenagers. In [New Zealand], there are 30-40 per 1000 teenagers, and we are beaten only by the United States.” Is New Zealand TMI’ing their approach to sex ed? (NZHerald)
- Meet Pakistan’s Paris Hilton. Her name is Mathira Mohammed. (LATimes)
- Gender selection leads to surplus men in China. This is not a good thing. (NWAsianWeekly)
- What every prostate should know. This is what prostate cancer may do to your sex life. (TheChronicleHerald)
- 50 things to do during a blowjob. (Datingish)
- Excerpt from this book makes me want to read book. ”Adventures in the Orgasmatron” - I did not know… (NYT)
- “Open Ureterolithotomy” is a term I just learned. And this story DOES involve a pin in a penis. Masturbation can be dangerous. Ouch. (GhanaNewsAgency)
- Hells Bells! Charlie Sheen says he’ll never get married again. (TorontoSun)
image via timtak/flickr
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 09/26/2011 - 4:37am
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