Friday, December 3 2010

On today’s Hot Sox Podcast I delve into two of my favorite sexy subjects -  grrreeeatttt blowjobs and handjobs! Even if you know everything you ever thought you could possibly know about giving head-blowing oral, I believe that you can still feel good listening to this Hot Sox podcast. I mean, I’m always up for a good refresher course, and while this one is beautifully basic - with a little perineum action thrown in - I really am enthusiastic about the subject, which you may remember from reading this Heeb Magazine article (the above picture accompanied the writing).
From the places to blow to how-to, get ready to grip the head and shaft while I talk about the frenulum (I know, you know, I love that word), foreskin, masturbation sleeves, mouths, hands, the prostate cradle, gagging, swallowing and 20 minutes more of advice on great blowjobs and handjobs, since the two really go head in hand!
Listen on the itunes page here, and don’t forget to visit adameve for 50% off any one item!
Posted in hot sox podcast, seX matters by jamye on 12/3/2021 - 12:52pm
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