Monday, March 1 2010
So Last Week is some of last week’s sex and relationship news delivered fresh and hot to your door, late, but not that late. Read on if you missed stories about marketing small condoms, or the one about smarter men are the guys with only one partner. I hadn’t read any of these stories before I posted them this week. So, last week’s news anyone?
- PETA uses Tiger Woods image to remind pet lovers to spay and neuter their cats and dogs. (NYDailyNews)
- The challenge of marketing small condoms. Hey, I know, what if we packaged small condoms as large ones? Would guys buy them then. Actually, it’s not my idea, and it makes me think of the truth in advertising. (TheAtlantic)
- Does having one partner make men smarter? Maybe, or maybe it makes them more focused on other things. (CarnalNation)
- Maryland becomes a little bit cooler by recognizing same sex marriages from other states. (EqualityMaryland)
- For the uber environmental sensualist - a wooden vibrator. (BooshPLR)
- New Jersey’s “red” governor goes “blue” with his nomination for head of the Department of Children and Family Services. It’s Janet Rosenzweig, a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. While I think that’s fabulous, I’m wondering can we all agree? (Gawker)
- Rapper 50 Cent may lose way more than that. He’s being sued for editing himself into someone else’s sex tape and putting it online. (Reuters)
- Attention college students! One of your peers has graciously written a list of places to have sexy time before you graduate. (CollegeCandy)
- One more sex advice article. This one is about hot sex for Christians. (FreddyandEddy)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 03/1/2022 - 5:47am
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